A Passive House retrofit and renovation of an historic YMCA building, this project provides housing for at-risk and previously homeless clients. The twin goals for the retrofit were to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of the building while preserving its historic integrity. The project team worked closely with Zola Windows to specify of Zola's American Heritage SDH™ (simulated double hung) window from the budget-friendly Thermo uPVC™ line. The implementation of these windows, combined with envelope improvements and mechanical improvements, enabled the project team to reduce building energy consumption by 75%.
"We love our Zola windows…that really is the truth…we cannot buy windows that have this quality for this price made in the States and we think they add great value to the project. We would like to add that Zola has great service and really responded to our needs on the project." – Laura Nettleton, Thoughtful Balance
Configurations at McKeesport Historic Renovation: